Introducing JustDjango Salaries 💰

Introducing JustDjango Salaries 💰

I'm excited to announce the launch of a new project: JustDjango Salaries.

JustDjango Salaries provides salary data for Django developers.

You can also watch the breakdown of this project, here on YouTube:

What's the problem?

If you're aiming to start working as a Django developer, you probably have searched for average salaries of developers in your city. You might have noticed that it's difficult to find meaningful salary data specifically for Django developer salaries.

This makes it difficult for both individuals and companies.

If you're a company that's hiring a Django developer then it can be difficult to create a realistic but yet competitive salary.

And if you're an individual, you really have no idea whether your salary is a competitive offer relative to the industry you work in or the currency you earn in.

That's why I've started this project - to help tackle the issue of salary equality and lack of salary information.

How does it work?

If you are currently working as a Django developer you can contribute your salary

Your submission is completely anonymous. The data is stored securely, and it takes less than 30 seconds to fill in the form.

Head to JustDjango Salaries to submit your salary and contribute to this cause!

Project Goals

You might have noticed a progress bar on the salaries page. This indicates the progress of the current goal of the project.

The goal is split into several phases. Right now, the goal is to gather 100 salary submissions.

Once that goal is met we'd then like to go for 500 salaries, 1000 salaries etc.

But really, every salary counts.